A document is then made up of one or more fields plus an optional boost value indicating the document's importance. 文档由一个或多个字段和一个表明文档的重要性的可选增强(boost)值组成。
The specification also treats every part of the document as a node, consisting of a type and a value. 该规范同样将文档的每个部分看成由类型和值组成的节点。
AXIOM provides some basic methods for modifying an existing document component ( such as OMElement. setText() to set the content of an element to a text value). AXIOM为修改现有的文档部分提供了一些基本的方法(如OMElement.setText()可用于将元素的内容设置为一个文本值)。
Disable Namespace aware to ignore the namespace tagging in the XML document, and to check only the simple name of the element and the final return value. 禁用Namespaceaware忽略XML文档中的名字空间标签,仅检测元素的简单名称和最终的返回值。
Alibaba valued itself at roughly$ 109 billion in April, based on disclosures in the document about the numbers of shares outstanding and its internal estimate of the value of each share. 根据文件中披露的信息,4月份时阿里巴巴对自己的估值约为1090亿美元,这基于阿里巴巴在文件中公布的已发行股票数量以及该公司对其每股股票价值的内部估算。
The acronym'DOVE'stands for Document Of Value Engine. 首字母缩略词'潜水'代表价值发动机的资料。
If ffunds mmanager fails to submit net value document or the submitted net value document does not meet the RequirementsIs invalid, information release system of SZSE will not disclose the unit funds net value in the next day, but notwithout influencinged the normal fund trading. 若基金管理人未在规定时间内上传净值文件或上传的净值文件格式不符合要求,次日深交所行情发布系统将不揭示该基金份额净值,但基金的正常交易不受影响。
A Any amount payable under a Finance Document by an Obligor is exclusive of any value added tax or any other Tax of a similar nature which might be chargeable in connection with that amount. a在财务文件下经手债务人的任何应支付的金额不包括任何与此金额相关的可能应予征收的增值税或任何其他的具有相似性质的税款。
Translation of foreign standard document titles is one of the significant and value added services to Chinese users for satisfying needs of the economic construction and development of the country. 标准文献题名翻译是适应国家经济建设与发展的需要,为我国广大标准用户提供的一项有意义的增值信息服务。
This letter is a unique document of incalculable value. 这封信是有着极大价值的珍贵文件。
Negotiation means the giving of value for Draft ( s) and/ or document ( s) by the Bank authorised to negotiate. Mere examination of the documents without giving of value does not constitute a negotiation. 议付意指受权议付的银行对汇票及/或单据付出对价。仅审核单据而未付对价者,不构成议付。
"Chengzhiwenzhi" is a representative passage of Guodian Confucian Bamboo Slip, and is a important document of the theory of Zisi with the high value on the field of thinking and literature. 《成之闻之》为郭店儒简中有代表性的一篇,是关于子思学说的重要文献,具有很高的思想价值和文献价值。
A value stream map is a precise living document that allows us to see and understand the flow of information and material as a product or service moves through the value stream. 价值流图是精确且灵活的文件,让我们了解我们的产品或服务在价值流中流动的物料流与信息流。
Besides, there is a discussion about the document values of the book, which is reflected in three aspects mainly: ( 1) value of collation, ( 2) value of collecting lost, ( 3) value of historical data. 又论述了《说苑》一书所具有的文献价值,这主要体现在三个方面:(一)校雠价值,(二)辑佚价值,(三)史料价值。
The practice of opening of current documents not only gets theoretical support from the theory of document value as a core of related theories, but also calls a creation of the theory of document value and other basic theories of archival science. 现行文件开放实践既有以文件价值理论为核心的相关理论支持,同时开放实践也呼唤着文件价值理论等档案学基础理论的创新。
Summarized by great deal of document data, the study on view of moral value is as follows: Firstly, The implication of view of moral value. 通过查阅大量文献资料,概括出道德价值观研究的以下几个方面:1、道德价值观的内涵。
This article uses the size of document, the access frequency and the remain life of access document as the keyword of documents calculating value. The replacement strategy which has been improved has a more accurate calculation to access fre-quency. 使用文档大小、访问频率、文档访问剩余寿命作为计算文档价值的关键词,在提出的替换策略上,对文档的访问频率作一个更精确的计算。
It's function module is making use of the importation document of the MITK to withdraw and deal with the importation data by the pixel value. 其功能模块主要是利用医学影像处理与分析开发包MITK中的输入文件将输入数据利用像素值进行提取并处理。
Stressing national property management is an important work which penetratingly implements document spirit of strengthening national property management, brings national property benefit into full play to keep aboriginal value or rise value, and builds up a system of socialist market economy. 加强国有资产管理,是深入贯彻落实国务院关于加强国有资产管理文件精神,充分发挥国有资产效益,促使其保值、增值和建立社会主义市场经济体系需要的一项十分重要的工作。
After introducing the brand new concept of the core document, this paper discusses the stratification of the core documents and corresponding cultural value in QILUE. 在引入核心文献这一崭新概念的基础上,讨论了《七略》中核心文献所具有的层次性及其所反映的文化价值。
This text combines plenty of document materials, Copies of the white hare discover process, text forms, document value and as well as arrange, studying last overall retrospect and summaries comparatively at situation. 本文结合大量文献资料,对明成化刊本《白兔记》的发现经过、文本形态、文献价值以及整理、研究情况进行较为全面的回顾和总结。
Composition important document of encroaching right about the portrait is difficult to assert accurately in practice, there are no enough commercial value that compensate for the encroaches right of portrait; 关于肖像侵权的构成要件在实践中难以准确认定、关于肖像侵权赔偿的规定不足以对肖像的商业价值构成保护;
According to document, the comprehensive energy consumption of the unit output value of our country is 4.8 times of the average level in the world. 据文献报道,我国单位产值的综合能耗是世界平均水平的4.8倍。
The exploration of the basic ways to the reform of civil judgment document is based on a clear and scientific knowledge of the objective value and basic principles in it. 探索民事裁判文书改革的基本进路,应当是对民事裁判文书改革的目标价值、基本原则有一个系统、清晰的认识。
Evaluation research of document information security is the further development of the key disciplines 'document information security study and has a practical value. 文献信息保障评价研究是重点学科文献信息保障研究的深化和发展,同时具有很强的应用价值。
This article will analysis the subjective and objective important document of mechanism of law-abiding on the basis of further value the theory of law-abiding by the way of research methods of law sociology. 运用法社会学研究方法进一步在对守法理论的考量基础上,分析守法机制形成的主客观要件。
So, the study of document image analysis and processing is of great value. 因此,研究如何对文本图像进行分析与处理,以便高效、快捷的获取文本图像的信息,是一项十分有意义的研究课题。
The first thing to do of the service outsourcing of document management is to analyze the character of the value activities and the value chain optimization. Then choose an appropriate service strategy and model on the base of the demands of the document management. 文档管理的服务外包首先应该对其价值活动的特点与价值链优化进行分析,在此基础上再根据企业的文档管理要求采取合适的外包策略与外包模式。
The third chapter deals with the vagueness of the Official Language, discusses the rationality of the existence of the document fuzzy language; document vague language and the expression of vague screening; the value of the document vague language and documents the fuzzy language way. 第三章论述公文语言的模糊性,论述了公文模糊语言存在的合理性;公文模糊语言与表达模糊的甄别;公文模糊语言的价值及公文模糊语言的实现途径。
Though there is not the legal concept of the datio in solutum in the current legal document in our country, the act of the practice world of the justice has conceded the value of the datio in solutum. 尽管,我国目前的法律规范并没有代物清偿的法律概念,但司法实务界的做法已经肯认代物清偿的价值。